Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Christmas devotional at the home of Aleena Pederson

 Such a wonderful evening!  Jana Christensen sang the opening song, and Bishop Bowman gave an inspirational talk about the Savior and the event of His birth.  Jaimi and Trevor Morse sang a lovely duet and Christy shared some thoughts with us.  Erin Terry made us all a beautiful Christmas ornament. We basked in sisterhood and the spirit of the season.  Thanks to everyone who helped make this evening memorable.




Wednesday, March 13, 2013

B2 Newsletter

Click here to enjoy the March 2013 Bluffdale 2nd Ward newsletter!

Relief Society Birthday Celebration!

President Christy Garner

Yummy, nutritious meal...

Ready to sing for us...

We all enjoyed sweet sisterhood, a wonderful and inspiring program, a wonderful meal, lovely decorations, and a beautiful display of item in homes to remind 
families of the temple...

The speakers: Erin Terry, Cindy 
Heather Kenworthy, 
Christy Garner

 In Jayna's home...

Cleaning up!

A huge "thank you" from all who attended!  Thank you to the RS Presidency and the RS Meeting Committee ( and their families) and all who helped in any way to make this a beautiful, enriching evening!