Wednesday, January 18, 2012

From Donna McNew...

This year the Relief Society is going to focus on improving our individual food storage programs.  During the year please prayerfully consider how you might enhance your family’s food storage program without incurring debt in the process.  To assist you in this process, the enrichment committee will highlight an item each month that should be included in your home storage.  Keep in mind however, it is important to store what you eat, and eat what you store.  So please concentrate on the form of item highlighted that your family will use.  
In February wheat or flour will be our concentration.  As with most grains the nutritional value of wheat increases by 400 percent when it is sprouted. Wheat in a bucket is available at many locations including Costco.  The price of wheat is about $25.00 for a bucket containing 45 lbs of wheat.  These are sealed ready for storage.   You can also purchase wheat in the 50 lb bag and store or can it as best fits your families needs.
Winco’s price this week was $24.87 for hard white wheat, and $25.03 for hard red wheat.  Additionally, they have flour for $25.19 for 50 lbs and whole wheat flour is $14.25 for 25 lbs.  Winco also has a creamy wheat cereal for $28.58 for 25 lbs.  The flour and cereal were not in buckets.  Emergency Essential’s price on wheat this week is hard white/and hard red sealed in a super-pail for $24.50.   The Cannery has wheat for #10 Can 5.5 lbs $3.50, pouch 7 lbs $3.75, and 25 lbs for $11.45.  Flour 25 lbs $13.30, pouch 5.5 lbs $3.45.
Kitchen Kneads in West Jordan at 7579 Redwood is an excellent place to purchase food storage items.  In addition to food items Kitchen Kneads carries many appliances to make it easy to use your food storage.  The price of wheat at Kitchen Kneads is 50 lb bag hard white wheat 18.95, hard red wheat $17.95; this price doesn’t include the price of the storage bucket.  A 7 gallon bucket is about $7.00.

In order to use your stored wheat you will need a grinder of some type.  Wheat grinders at Kitchen Kneads are Wonder Mill (This super machine can grind wheat and beans) $259.95 and go down from there, a hand grinder made by Victorio is $59.95.   Petersons Market also has a good price on wheat while the supply lasts.

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